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Podcasting Business School: Podcasting tips for entrepreneurs, service providers, and coaches.

Jun 13, 2019

Today I'm Casting The Pod with my friend Jill Stanton from the Screw The Nine To Five podcast.
I was SO excited to get a chance to interview Jill as she has had a dramatic impact on my journey as an entrepreneur.
if you are someone that is looking to make a major shift in your life, lifestyle, career, or your business this interview is a MUST listen!
Listen in as Jill and I discuss:
The origin story of Screw The Nine To Five
How Jill's business and mindset have shifted since having her son Kai.
Her advice for a podcaster that is trying to monetizing but is struggling to connect their offer to paying customers.
How she helped cure my Premature Monetization ....(Hey! It happens to the best of us!)
Here is how you can connect with Jill