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Podcasting Business School: Podcasting tips for entrepreneurs, service providers, and coaches.

Jun 29, 2021

Check out episode 182 of Podcasting Business School where you will get to be a fly on the wall inside one of our recent Pod Pals Zoom Parties.

We kick off the session discussing how to develop relationships with potential podcast sponsors and build a podcast sponsorship pipeline.

Next we dive into some Podcaster Speed Dating where you will be introduced to several of my Pod Pals as they tell us:

  • What their show is all about.
  • Who they are looking for as a guest on their show.
  • Who they are a great guest for.
  • How you can contact them if you want to book them on your show or if you would be a great guest for them.

We wrap up this session with some open podcasting Q&A that you won't want to miss!

Ready to delegate your podcast production and editing services so that you can spend more time building your brand and your business?

Check out our new Podcast Production Plus service:
