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Podcasting Business School

Nov 16, 2021

Does it feel like it takes SO MUCH WORK to see any growth at all with your podcast download numbers?

If you are ready to ramp up your podcast growth then this episode will be your jam! I'm going to show you exactly how I was able to grow my download numbers for Podcasting Business School by 300% in an 8 week period.

Check out episode 212 of Podcasting Business School as I discuss:

*How I was able to gamify my podcast marketing process.

*The free tool I created to help podcasters with podcast marketing.

*How to use my Podcast Growth Scorecard.

*The KEY weekly point total to shoot for on your scorecard.



Are you a podcaster with a show that is doing less than 1,000 downloads per episode?

Start your 14 day free trial inside the Download Growth Club: