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Podcasting Business School

Dec 26, 2019

Today I'm Casting The Pod with my friend Kris McPeak from the Elevate Your 8 podcast.

Kris is a podcaster, author, and coach that is known as the "Mary Poppins" of higher education. She's on a mission to help her listeners make the absolute most out of their daily routines and the time that they have that is "left over"...

Dec 19, 2019

Many of us start our podcasting journey with dreams of underwear companies throwing their money at us to be sponsors of our show.....and doesn't happen!

Don't freak out my fellow Casters of the Pod......I've got 8 ways that you can monetize your podcast without having any sponsorships.

Check out...

Dec 12, 2019

Today I'm Casting The Pod with my friend Curt Mercadante from The Freedom Club Podcast.

Curt is an international speaker, trainer, and disruptive entrepreneur whose mission is to save the world by helping people fight for freedom and fulfillment. Curt’s speeches and training empower individuals to live their Freedom...

Dec 5, 2019

It happens to the best of us......premature monetization! We get an amazing idea on a new program, product, or service and we dive in head first investing our time, money, and effort to build it out and bring it to our audience.......but when we launch.....CRICKETS.
I've paid the "dumb tax" more than a few times in my...

Nov 28, 2019

Today I'm Casting The Pod with my friend Sean Douglas from Life Transformation Radio.

Sean Douglas is a U.S. Air Force Veteran, TEDx Speaker, Master Resilience Implementer & Suicide Awareness Trainer, Business Positioning Strategist, International Radio Show Host of Life Transformation Radio, and Author. 

He's a suicide...