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Podcasting Business School: Online Business Coaching for Podcasters.

Mar 31, 2023

If you are looking for podcasting tips on topics like:
*How to grow your podcast and get more podcast downloads.
*How to increase your podcast audience engagement.
*How to monetize a podcast.
Then check out EP 358 of Podcasting Business School where I do a Podcast Audit of the IDKWTF I Was Doing podcast

Mar 28, 2023

If you are a podcaster that wants to use your show to grow your business, but you also do NOT want to engage in high pressure sales situations.....this episode is for you!

One of the things I struggled with most early on in my podcasting career was learning how to effectively close a sale when I was talking with a...

Mar 24, 2023

If you are looking for podcasting tips on topics like:
*How to grow your podcast and get more podcast downloads.
*How to increase your podcast audience engagement.
*How to monetize a podcast.
Then check out EP 356 of Podcasting Business School where I do a Podcast Audit of the Sober and Happy podcast

Mar 21, 2023

I know a LOT of podcasters that have tried and FAILED to successfully create and sell an online course to their podcast audience. 

In this episode I brought in my Pod Pal Jono Petrohilos to set us straight on how to best create and sell our online courses. 

Jono is the host of the Course Creator Podcast:  

Mar 17, 2023

If you are looking for podcasting tips on topics like:
*How to grow your podcast and get more podcast downloads.
*How to increase your podcast audience engagement.
*How to monetize a podcast.
Then check out EP 354 of Podcasting Business School where I do a Podcast Audit of the Inspirational Leadership with...